LinkedIn should be leveraged alongside Facebook & Twitter as a marketing tool

LinkedIn should be utilised alongside the more obvious choices of Facebook and Twitter to maximise both engagement and return on investment.

Market Harborough, United Kingdom, 09/27/2011 / SubmitMyPR /

When it comes to successfully executing an integrated PR campaign LinkedIn should be utilised alongside the more obvious choices of Facebook and Twitter to maximise both engagement and return on investment says social media agency Punch Communications.

With 120 million user accounts, and an increase in unique monthly visits from 45.8 million in September 2010 to 94.3 million in September 2011, LinkedIn should not be overlooked when creating a social media based marketing campaign. The user numbers of Facebook and Twitter are hard to ignore and will look tempting to any business, although dependent on the content and desired target audience, they may not always be the most effective channel for increasing business or engagement with customers.

There are more than 2 million company pages on LinkedIn each sharing their expertise and promoting their services. In order to effectively harness the power of its 120 million users spanning 200 countries and territories, businesses should listen to the interactions generated from peers within their industries to help streamline and maximise the effectiveness of content being shared. The world’s largest professional social network is something that if utilised correctly can be an important tool for engagement and to potentially increase business when used in a complimentary fashion to the better-known social media networks.

“LinkedIn provides an incredibly useful platform for businesses to connect with other professionals, share expertise, recommendations and advice,” Says Pete Goold from public relations agency, Punch Communications. “A business looking to begin, or improve its social media campaign should not neglect the importance of such a service; word of mouth recommendations from respected professionals can do a lot to improve the reputation and image of a business.

“Spending resource on Facebook and Twitter campaigns can undoubtedly increase brand awareness and engagement for a business but the audience on these platforms is predominantly for consumer products. As the aim is for social activity to lead to increased business, those companies who’s targets are other brands must engage with them and their employees; interacting with professionals that are present on LinkedIn can lead to enquiries, which can be converted into new business.”

If you are currently discussing a forthcoming campaign with PR, social media and SEO Agencies, contact Punch Communications. For more information visit