We Mean Business

Smart Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets For Success

Chicago, Usa, 10/11/2011 / SubmitMyPR /

Beating a recession while your competition runs for cover isn’t that hard if you know what to do. Several successful entrepreneurs share their ideas on what is working for them.

Len Schwartz President and CEO of Monday-Morning-Marketing.com says,” Over the years we’ve developed a 5 stage process for getting businesses through, recovered, or even started during a natural disaster or economic downturn. We’ve found that companies using our 5 stages wind up making a lasting connection to their communities in ways that transform the conversation in the community from “that company over there” to “our company” which leads to more business.”

They offer a special white paper series to help business owners start thinking about areas to improve and a short questionnaire to fill in and then work with the business owner on a 30 or 40 minute conference call to give them specific, proven, measurable ideas and case studies for them to take action in their company.

Maceo Jourdan of Teran Dale Marketing Group adds,” Business owners have to adapt if they want to thrive. Marketing plans simply cannot consist of throwing as much junk against the wall just to see what sticks. You must have a consistent week-by-week marketing and business-building plan in place throughout the year in order to grow all year long and in any economy. Those that launch such a plan can expect to see consistent word-of-mouth, leads, referrals, sales and of new business.”

Veteran publishing CEO Jack Eadon states,” It would be easy during this difficult time to curl up in a fetal position and WISH away problems. But it is also a BREAK we usually don’t have as the flood of normalcy engulfs us. Instead of listening to pundits proclaim how bleak the landscape looks, we ought to use our spare energies doing things we never get to. In the last two years I’ve published a book called HEAD TRIP, produced an animated rock video called STANLEY’S VISIT, and planned a multi-market book tour..”

Eadon is also securing sponsorships to help cover the costs.

Robert Smith of www.championmediaworldwide.com is doing more joint ventures and also helping his clients arrange lucrative 7 figure joint ventures. " Partnerships can quickly expand your business with minimum risks," beams Smith, who has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fortune Small Business, and USA Today.