Getting the most out of your coupons where to Shop?

Using coupons is the now thing, even Kate Gosselin still uses them, but you need to learn how to maximize your savings when you use them.

Pittsburgh, USA, 10/16/2011 / SubmitMyPR /

Using coupons is the now thing, even Kate Gosselin still uses them, but being able to use them wisely while strecthing them to the max is the key to getting the most out of them.

Therefore the question today is do you save more at a store that doubles the coupon or at a discount store such as Walmart or Target, where there is no doubling? According to couponshoppinwitjane the answer is "try the discount Store first".

As countless have seen from TLC'S Extreme Couponing Show shoppers see extreme savings at grocery stores when their coupons are doubled, and many boast savings of upwards of 80 to 90%.

But, seeing savings like that in reality even when a coupon is doubled in stores like TLC shows for many is a mirage, according to couponshoppinwitjane, Author of the Book It is Easy To Get Free Groceries If You Know Jane , also a blogger AND vlogger, Jane up loads daily money saving tips on her YouTube Channel (couponshoppinwitjane). Moreover what is unique about couponshoppinwitjane is she just does not list an item on her blog telling the reader where to get the item and which coupon to use she actually goes to the store and purchases it and shares what she saved while telling the viewer which coupon she used to achieve that savings.

In an interview she stated “most Stores that are not discount stores, are often those that double coupons .

And these are the“ Grocery Stores that have much higher everyday prices over a Wamart or Target, they lure shoppers in its door with the promise of saving money via double coupons. This type of grocery Store is often the back drop for TLC’s Extreme Couponing Show.

The Reality Show takes its viewers to the local market where their shopper scores hundreds of items often times for less than the price of 3 items at retail. In one episode the couponer purchased over 300 boxes of cereal, 150 candy bars and 100 bottles of hot sauce. And at the end of the Show the announcer stated the savings was due too many coupons being doubled by the Store. But, if a shopper goes to its local store just because a coupon doubles following a clue shown on The TLC Show, they could possibly see no savings at all. Because, just doubling coupons does not mean you can save money all the time on your groceries.

"There have been instances that I myself have paid more at Stores like that even with my coupon doubled. Saving money with coupons has to do with, when and where you shop. Most discounts stores beat stores that double coupons hands down.

In general Walmart and Target do not double coupons, and I have gone there several times and shopped with my coupons and even without them being doubled by the Store, I saved a bundled over my Local Giant Eagle which doubles coupons up to .99 cent therefore you really need to be a savvy shopper to save with your coupons”.

Today people are using coupons like never before and untold are new to the couponing craze most believe that all they have to do is go to a store that doubles coupons and they will score huge savings like those seen on the TLC Show. But nothing could be further from the truth.

And because of that fallacy umpteen try to coupon and stop, because they do not see great savings. According to couponshoppinwitjane “saving with coupons is all about timing and shopping in the right Store. Most Stores that double coupons charge three to four times higher prices to cover the doubling.

Therefore using a coupon just walking into a Store like that, one will not ever see massive savings. For most extreme couponer’s they only go to a Store like that to shop with coupons when items are on sale. So when they use their coupons on items that are on sale coupled with the doubling of those coupons they can see huge savings.

Therefore they try to get large amounts of those sale items so they have enough until the next sale comes. Yet because, of the Show Extreme Couponing shining a light on this practice many stores have become up in arms ( most stores that double coupons), therefore to combat this trend they are limiting how many items a shopper can get on sale at one time with a coupon, and now we see manufactures limiting how many coupons you can use at one time. PG for instance has extreme limits on it’s coupons, stating limit of 4 coupons in a same shopping trip. And Stores such as a Giant Eagle limits 12 coupons per like item in one shopping trip". But today with Walmart changing its coupon policy where-by there are no limits on how many coupons you can use in that shopping trip and having already low prices even with the long lines at check-out many couponer’s are giving Walmart a second look over a store that doubles coupons,

“One thing I encourage shoppers to do is shop smart, and I tell them not to get caught up in the hype of couponing today, it is good to know the price of items and look to pay as little as possible using your coupons. Therefore just because a store doubles coupons do not feel you are getting the beat deal make sure by know you got the best price when you used your coupon by knowing the price first hand, because just because a store doubles a coupon this does not always mean you got the best price I for one have paid a higher price with my coupon doubled over getting the same item at a discount store where there is no doubling”.