New Hip Hop: Tupac Better than Eminem, Says Rapper C.KHiD

Tupac better than Eminem? That's what new Hip Hop music artist C.KHiD says. Read why, exclusively here.

Denver, united states, 08/08/2012 / SubmitMyPR /

Tupac and Eminem are two heavyweights rappers, birthed from Hip Hop music in the 90's. They are also the best-selling Hip Hop artists of all-time, globally. Though, Tupac was killed before the age, which Eminem had his major rap debut, there has always been one question.

Who is the better rapper, Eminem or Tupac?

According to new Hip Hop star, C.KHiD, it's still "Makaveli". C.KHiD credits the rapper, who's real name was Tupac Amaru Shakur, with inspiring a more broad audience, without gimmicks.

"In all ways, but syllable rhyming, Tupac was greater. Tupac displayed more intelligence and musical genius at an age before Eminem began flexing his skills. And even with the lack of those years between, to gain wisdom, Tupac still reached and inspired more people" said C.KHiD in an interview with

Who is the greatest rapper of Hip Hop?

That question will never be something one person can sum up. Music speaks to all.

Sales numbers can no longer reflect a public opinion either as the bootlegging of Hip Hop music is at all-time highs. Eminem has moved beyond Tupac record sales but worldwide, the rapper is one of the most bootlegged of all Hip Hop.

So who's better, Tupac or Eminem? Simple! Whoever you choose.

C.KHiD has a great outlook on Hip-Hop culture however. Sparking conversation and thought, he helps the legacy of two legendary rap artists live on.

Download C.KHiD's latest album, "New Rap Songs", and make your own opinion of his music.