New communication methods can help professionals be remembered by audiences

Punch Communications advises company professionals to use original communication methods to have a memorable impact on audiences.

Leics, UK, 01/08/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Company professionals should explore new and creative ways to communicate to their audiences, helping to ensure they are front of mind for potential customers or clients, advises integrated social media, SEO and PR company Punch Communications.

In order for a company representative to have a memorable impact on people that they have been introduced to, or are likely to meet, they would be wise to use unique methods of communication. This can help encourage engagement and drive a greater interest in the company the professional represents.

Professionals should look for innovative ways to stand out from the crowd through a variety of different methods. As an example, memorable and impactful out of office replies are a form of automated communication that relatively few people use innovatively.
Typically, responses cover the basic information as to how long the person will be away from work for and who to contact in their place. However, in order to have a memorable effect on the person emailing, recipients could be more creative and also include a humorous anecdote, an image or key company information such as what products or services the company provides and how these could be beneficial to the person emailing.

Additionally, a business can assist its employees to create a lasting impression on those they meet by providing attention-grabbing and original business cards. As key marketing tools, cards can provide much more than a snippet of information about a person and their company. Using captivating text and design as well as utilising new technologies, such as QR codes, or incorporating an inventive call-to-action is likely to get people talking and will help a brand stand out from its competitors.

Account director at Punch Communications, Keredy Andrews, said: “Original, attention-grabbing methods of communication not only help a professional to showcase their individual personality, but help a business to stand out from the crowd. Whilst it’s important for employees to remain professional and convey the information their audience requires, doing so with a creative twist will help any professional to become more memorable to customers or clients.”

Punch Communications specialises in creating services that integrate the expertise usually offered separately by PR, social media agencies and SEO agencies. If you’re interested in finding out how Punch can help your business, please contact 01858 411 600 or visit