Beauty and Safety in Cosmetic Surgery

It's important when choosing a cosmetic surgeon that your choice is based on experience, education and training.

Chattanooga, US, 01/24/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Marketing in today’s world is necessary, and when done correctly it’s a great way to educate and connect prospective patients with accredited professionals in cosmetic surgery. However, with the internet being one of the top marketing and researching tools available for information on products and services, it is easy to obtain misleading, inaccurate information. You must remain vigilant when researching for your healthcare needs, and cosmetic surgery is no exception. It's important when choosing a cosmetic surgeon that your choice is based on experience, education and training- not a clever marketing pitch, flashy website, or lack of correct information.

All doctors and their specialties are NOT created equal, and falling into the wrong hands can have terrible, unforeseen consequences and results. It may be tempting to try and trim a few bucks off the bill and seek beauty treatments from unknown, less-qualified individuals offering beauty queen results on a minimal budget, but in the final analysis that route usually ends up costing you more.

It takes a little extra time, but you are worth the research. It’s important to get all the facts on the practice and potential cosmetic surgeon under consideration before choosing. Empower yourself by understanding the surgery facility and find out if it’s accredited. Inquire about your cosmetic surgeon’s credentials, and learn about the rigorous certification process that top cosmetic surgeons undertake to become proficient in their profession. Understand the difference between professions such as, plastic surgery versus cosmetic surgery. By discovering some of this simple yet vital information, it can help you make wise and educated choices. You matter, so Know Before You Go!

Plastic Surgery vs. Cosmetic Surgery

There is often confusion between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are different specialties requiring different training, education, and experience. Plastic surgeons deal with reconstruction and repairing of abnormalities of the head, neck and body caused by various issues such as, developmental abnormalities, birth defects, tumors, disease or infection, and trauma. Plastic surgeons undergo residency training to become a board-certified plastic surgeon. However, that specific training doesn’t necessarily include training with regard to specific cosmetic procedures. Residency programs do not include training on every facet of cosmetic procedures, thus further training is required to become a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

Cosmetic surgeons focus on surgical procedures that enhance an individuals appearance. Cosmetic surgical procedures can be performed on the head, neck, and body. When these areas are considered ‘properly functioning’ yet lack aesthetic appeal, this categorizes cosmetic surgery as an elective surgery. Cosmetic surgery is multi-disciplinary by nature given cosmetic surgeons are trained in other surgical specialties prior to cosmetic surgery. This would include a general surgeon, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, ophthalmologist, obstetricians and gynecologists, plastic surgeons and other surgeons from other areas of study. Doctors that pursue cosmetic surgery careers obtain training and experience upon completion of their primary surgical residency training. So, when seeking the most qualified cosmetic surgeon it is important to compare their overall residency and post-residency training and experience to the cosmetic procedure you are seeking, and only select a board-certified cosmetic surgeon.


A plastic surgeon is certified for their specialty through the American Board of Plastic Surgery and then are listed on the official ABMS Board. American Board of Medical Specialties which is a non-profit organization with 24 Member Boards that oversee the development, standards, an implementation of professional medical specialty boards, including the American Board of Plastic Surgery. To find out if a plastic surgeon is board certified, go to ABMS MOC at and type in the surgeon’s name. The ABMS is seen as the golden standard in physician certification for medical doctors. Other oversight boards include American Osteopathic Association for Doctors of Osteopathy who also specialize in plastic surgery.

A board-certified cosmetic surgeon is certified for their specialty through the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS). The ABCS exclusively certifies physicians in cosmetic surgery, and only certifies those individuals that meet the highest standards in knowledge, training, an expertise, while adhering to the safe an ethical practice of cosmetic surgery. Additionally, prior to ABCS certification a cosmetic surgeon has to also be certified by one of the ABMS (American Board of Medical Specialties) or AOA (American Osteopathic Association) member boards. To find a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, or to simply check the credentials of a current surgeon visit this trusted source Go to the ABCS directory and enter the name of the surgeon you are inquiring about.

At Southern Surgical Arts, Dr. Chad Deal is a double board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and Dr. Carey Nease is a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Both surgeons are certified through the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Both surgeons are committed to safe quality care, an excellence in cosmetic artistry and have performed more than 7,500 cosmetic surgery procedures in the last 5 years. Their practice is 100% dedicated to cosmetic surgery using the latest technology to provide natural enhancements with minimal scarring and the shortest downtime possible.

*The picture above is Southern Surgical Arts' Medical Aesthestican, Leigh. She is a 34-year old mom and actual patient of Dr. Deal and Dr. Nease.