What if a Judge Confiscated All Your Assets Tomorrow?

Florida Attorney Turns Author to Protect Your Money. Asset Protection is Not Only for the Super Rich.

Fort Lauderdale, US, 03/11/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Bookstores and the internet offer a great many books telling you how you can make money. Before you start thinking about making your millions (or more millions), you need to protect the money you have already earned. Most professionals, even financial professionals, do not and will not understand how to truly protect their assets from the unscrupulous, the jealous or the resentful individuals who plan on making quick money by taking yours.

Enter Josh Bennett. An attorney who practices asset protection in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Josh Bennett has protected countless clients from many lawsuits. From frivolous lawsuits, to attempted deception and corrupt claims, Bennett has stopped financial losses before they started.

“A shocking 90 percent of Americans today will face a lawsuit at some point,” Bennett reveals. “Many of those will lose most or even all of their hard-earned assets as a result.” Bennett says this is why he wrote “The Ultimate Guide to Asset Preservation,” a comprehensive yet very easy to understand book providing you with step by step directions, regardless of your individual circumstances, providing immediate steps to protect what you have. There’s no time to waste, he advises. There are law suits around every corner.

These threats to your money come in many forms, Bennett says, ranging from claimants and partners, disgruntled clients or patients, or acquaintances—even strangers—who want what you have worked so hard for, and don’t care what happens to you. Once you are targeted you can lose it all unless you have protected your assets before you became a target.

One you are sued it is, sadly, too late. You can go to Amazon, or Bennetts website, www.JoshBennett.com to get a copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Asset Preservation,” and let Josh Bennett show you how to hold on to what belongs to you and to no one else, no matter what the situation. Remember, once a lawsuit presents itself. By then, it will be too late.

Feel free to contact Josh Bennett’s Fort Lauderdale law firm for a free consultation with Josh Bennett to learn more about how to protect your assets today and get a free copy of the book. Call 954.779.1661.