The allegations of criminal conduct by Attorney Haddad and the doctors with whom he was affiliated are deeply disturbing. Although Attorney Haddad is only one of the thousands of attorneys licensed in CT, the charges are significant. Further, any time there is fraudulent billing by health care professionals all citizens pay the price.
The Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association (CTLA) has always condemned the use of runners by doctors and attorneys. In 2008 the CTLA brought this practice to the attention of then Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (see attached letter dated June 6, 2008). In 2009, the CTLA introduced legislation to curb the use of runners by doctors and attorneys. In large part due to the efforts of the CTLA, Public Act 09-222 became law, thereby strengthening the ability of law enforcement to stamp out this type of activity.
The CTLA will continue to advocate for tougher restrictions on the use of runners by doctors and attorneys. The insurance companies are not the only victims of this type of unscrupulous behavior. People who are badly injured and need medical treatment are being directed to health care providers who are more interested in their own financial situation then they are in treating the patient. Further, legitimate victims of negligence are also harmed as the jury pool is poisoned when it reads of such actions by attorneys.
The CTLA will continue to be on the forefront in the effort to stop this type of illegal activity.
Douglas P. Mahoney
President CTLA
CTLA Responds to Attorney Haddad Indictment
August 02, 2013
The Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association will continue to advocate for tougher restrictions on the use of runners by doctors and attorneys
Hartford, USA, 08/02/2013 / SubmitMyPR /