Streamworks broadcasts live from International Court of Justice

High quality live media streams now available direct from ICJ

09/23/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Streamworks International has partnered with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI) on a groundbreaking project to make live proceedings from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Peace Palace (The Hague, Netherlands) available by remote access in high definition (HD) to televised media around the world.

Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Peace Palace (where the ICJ and its predecessor, the PCIJ, have had their seat since 1922), and representing a major landmark in the democratisation of information, today’s special session – a conference entitled “The ICJ in the Service of Peace and Justice” - was streamed around the globe in HD.

The International Court of Justice or “World Court” is a UN mechanism which helps States avoid wars by settling their legal disputes in a peaceful way. It is the only Principal Organ of the United Nations to not have its seat in New York

“The ICJ is a focal point of the international community’s quest for truth, transparency and justice and from today, any TV media wishing to cover its proceedings in HD from anywhere in the world can have a front row seat at its proceedings without sending a (costly) satellite truck. That’s a historic moment, and one that represents another step towards the realisation the internet’s incredible democratic potential,” said Streamworks CEO Ray Mia.

“As the live streaming utility underpinning the broadcast of the world’s most successful online commercial events, I believe Streamworks also has a public duty to deploy our technology in support of the effort to foster global peace, justice and security, and we are proud to be part of such a significant initiative.”

Opening a new chapter in the dissemination of information for the World Court through a full partnership with UNDPI, technicians and staff from Streamworks installed their patented hardware within the listed Hague building a few weeks in advance of today’s conference.

The ICJ debates, organised to celebrate the centenary of the institution's seat examined the past, present and future role of the UN’s Principal judicial Organ. Speakers included ICJ Judges, as well as the President of the European Court of Human Rights and various Professors of International Law from Germany, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.