Ashley Love Uses Her Tainted Past to Lead Women to an Elegant Future

In Ashley Love's first book of poetry, Tainted Elegance: In The Key of Love, she shares the life lessons she's learned through stories of love and heartbreak.

New Orleans, USA, 09/24/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

In Ashley Love's first book of poetry, Tainted Elegance: In The Key of Love, she shares the life lessons she's learned through stories of love and heartbreak. Ashley uses the experiences of her tainted past to guide women into an amazing future. Her three cherished children have helped mold her into the person she is now, and it's fair to say that even though her past may be tainted, there is only success her horizon. Ashley has managed to stay untainted by raising her children as a single working mother. In Tainted Elegance, Ashley faces her past with no regrets by acknowledging it and embracing what is to come in the future. She shares with her readers how to keep what cannot be undone from corrupting who they will become.

Tainted Elegance is sure to give readers the courage to overcome their past. It is filled with poetry that is true to the heart and was written to inspire others going through the same life turmoil as Ashley has gone through. Its focus is not only on love between two people, but loving yourself. The first installment of many to come, Tainted Elegance is available now in e-book form from Smashwords and Amazon. The paperback will release on February 14, 2014.

For more information about Tainted Elegance, to request a review copy, or to schedule an interview with Ashley Love, contact her assistant at


CONTACT: Jan Lewis, Assistant