We Store More Than Files, We Protect Memories

MyCyberSafe is responding to a public SOS – a widespread desire to Simplify, Organize, and Secure vital digital information

Boulder, United States, 12/10/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Most of us find ourselves overwhelmed by digital data spread across multiple applications and devices. Not only do the needles get lost in the haystack over time, we have no way of providing easy access to vital information our loved ones may need. MyCyberSafe solves both problems.

The core value of MyCyberSafe is its ability to simplify, organize and preserve your digital assets in a secure environment. Consequently, you no longer have to worry about having important information spread across multiple devices and applications where it tends to disappear through time or become very difficult to find. Moreover, in the event of a crisis, your loved ones will be able to easily locate all of the important passwords, legal, financial and insurance documents they may need.

Achieve peace of mind by:

• Keeping key files backed up
Most backup systems duplicate everything. MyCyberSafe focuses on the most important assets, as directed by the user, to help simplify and organize an otherwise unwieldy mass.

• Organizing and tagging specific files for easy retrieval
Most backup systems simply make a duplicate of your digital haystack. MyCyberSafe organizes and archives your most important files and facilitates retrieval through the use of categories and tags.

• Granting access as needed to others (e.g. your spouse)
Few backup systems offer the ability to selectively give password-protected access to other users to view and/or download files. MyCyberSafe makes it simple and easy to share select data with specific users.

• Preparing for “end of life” transfer of assets
Unlike many online systems, you own the data you store on MyCybersafe and can dispose of it as you see fit in your will. MyCyberSafe has “inheritance management” built into its core.

• Staying safe and secure
All of your data is stored using military grade encryption. MyCyberSafe also offers enhanced password security procedures and state of the art website security.

In sum, MyCyberSafe is responding to a public SOS – a widespread desire to Simplify, Organize, and Secure vital digital information. The intent is to make it very easy to merge important online and offline data of all kinds into a simple access-anywhere app.

About MyCyberSafe
MyCyberSafe has “inheritance management” built into its core. We make it easy to organize, secure, retrieve, and control the disposition of your digital information in one place, now and forever. Take comfort in knowing that your vital documents and precious memories will be available in an emergency and to future generations. For more information, visit our website.

MyCyberSafe is a US company incorporated in Pennsylvania. The CEO is Christopher K. Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations.