First Regional Benefits Can Help Protect You From Identity Theft!

Ensure Your Identity Is Always Safe!

02/18/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

In this day and age, identity theft has become a huge issue as well as concern for every American. It seems we all know someone who has had their identity stolen at some point. If this hasn't happened to you, count yourself lucky! It doesn't mean however, that it will won't happen, or someone out there won't attempt to steal your identity!

First Regional Benefits offers members 24/7 access to Identity Theft Protection as well as Restoration Legal Care Direct! Providing the perfect identity theft solutions, First Regional Benefits members also have access to all the necessary components to restore their identity and prevent future attempts of their identity being stolen.

Members of First Regional Benefits have access to Identity Monitoring. What sort of monitoring activity is associated with protection from identity theft? Credit Bureau Data, DMVs, Bankruptcy Lien and Judgement filings, Utilities, Public Records, and Private Contributory Databases. These sources are vital in detecting an identity theft attempt.

Not only do members of First Regional Benefits have access to 24/7 identity theft protection, but Identity Theft Restoration sources as well. If an attempt has been made to steal the identity of a First Regional Benefits member, paralegals will immediately leap into action to consult the member and determine the severity of the theft. Preparation of and overnight customized, pre-completed, state specific “Id Recovery Kit,” place fraud alerts on the member's credit cards, notify the appropriate bank/s or other agencies, as well as local authorities, and assist the member obtain the necessary reports.

Paralegals will also assist with lost or stolen credit cards! Members of First Regional Benefits can relax knowing that paralegals will not only report lost or stolen credit cards, but also request replacement cards, place fraud alerts, and provide daily credit monitoring!

Don't wait to be the victim of ID Theft, protect yourself today!

For even more information on the great programs on offer at First Regional Benefits, visit their website at

You can contact First Regional Benefits through the following mediums: -

20 Trolley Square Suite C
DE, 19806
Telephone: -
(800) 239-5410
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