Business for Us Marketing is on the MOVE

With leadership and management development conferences throughout the year, Business for Us Marketing understands the importance of investing in their team.

04/01/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

Business for Us Marketing is a Lancaster, OH based marketing and advertising firm that works with clients in the home entertainment, satellite television and consumer electronics industries. Paired with some of the largest retailers in the country, Business for Us Marketing is growing rapidly in order to meet their client’s demands. Business for Us Marketing has a philosophy of bridging a gap between products and people coupled with promoting from within. Business for Us Marketing has a management training program that is second to none.

Business for Us Marketing’s manager Antoine understands the importance of promotion from within the company. Antoine, the manager, originally from Baltimore, MD comes from a background of sports. In high school Antoine played football and later attended a technical school for marketing and management. Starting with the company in December of 2010, Antoine was quickly admitted into the management training program and excelled. In April of 2012 Antoine started managing one of the branches. In 2013 alone, Business for Us Marketing expanded and has a goal in 2014 of developing ten new managers and expanding five times in each of its divisions with its need for more upper level managers to meet their client’s demands.

With leadership and management development conferences throughout the year, Business for Us Marketing understands the importance of investing in their team. In 2013 Business for Us Marketing expanded into two markets nationwide. “Our Lancaster office is growing as we have doubled in size and we are bringing on new clients” continues manager Antoine, “Our manager in training program is more important than ever.” The clients and services that Business for Us Marketing is working with has a need for them to grow and expand. The Manager in Training Program was created to develop individuals from an entry level position and to instill them with the knowledge and means to become successful professionals. “We do this by training an individual on world skills, goal setting, coaching and training skills and leadership experience” explains Antoine. With a management training program geared to develop an entry level representative into a manager in months, Business for Us Marketing’s success is evident.