The Woven Tale Press Expands its Web Base to Further Promote Artists and Writers

The mission of The Woven Tale Press online magazine is to grow Web traffic for artists and writers – contributors are credited with interactive Urls back to their blogs and now, to their websites and online artisan shops.

05/07/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

The Woven Tale Press interactive Url links serve as crucial lifelines between artists and writers, and their Web audience. The magazine's interactive nature reflects the proliferation of online writers and artists, Web-based art galleries, artisan shops, and flash-fiction. Urls can be submitted at

To complement its magazine, The Woven Tale Press website features weekly posts exploring the creative process — from creative writing tips to mixed media, sculpture, photography, and even fine crafts.

For greater exposure, magazine contributors who are featured on the site as well as in the magazine, are rewarded with interactive buttons linking their magazine pages back to the Press website.

This eclectic online arts and literary magazine is the brainchild of author Sandra Tyler, of Its initial launch was to grow Web traffic for notable writer and artist bloggers. Now the Press has expanded its base to include writers' and artists' websites, and fine crafters with online shop Urls.

As of its first-year anniversary, The Press has topped representation of over 200 writers and artists. Its staff has grown to ten editors who cull the creative Web for the noteworthy and innovative.

The Woven Tale Press is tailored strictly to digital consumption. Its literary contributions are geared toward the savvy but time-constricted online reader. Multiple pages may be dedicated to a single artist, one image per spread for ultimate visual impact. Such bold design entices Press readers to click on interactive Urls.

To subscribe, and for information on how writers and artists can submit to the magazine or get featured on The Woven Tale Press website, go to