Australian marketing guru helps Temecula fan manufacturer propel profits

Invisco Whole House Fan Co. founder, Kurt Shafer, needed to accelerate sales growth and found Australia’s Exponential Growth Strategist – Dr. Marc Dussault

Temecula, USA, 08/21/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

As many local businesses struggle to jumpstart sales, one innovative Temecula entrepreneur, Kurt Shafer, looked half way across the world to Australia’s Exponential Growth Strategist – Dr. Marc Dussault.

Shafer had several businesses going at the start of 2014. He was a home inspector, and he manufactured and sold whole house fans. He also covers Southern California as the regional director for every1rewards, a high technology loyalty program that connects local small businesses to schools, churches and charities to ensure more business more often for each small business. 

Although he was successful, he spent a lot of time working on all of these projects. This left him little time to enjoy life. 

“What Marc has helped me do is focus on priorities,” Shafer said. “As a result, I decided to stop marketing my home inspection business. I automated my marketing of Invisco, my whole house fan business, by relying on web technology. This allows me to concentrate more fully on every1rewards which I find most personally rewarding.”

Shafer also noted Dussault’s training changes how a business owner thinks. Dussault’s way of thinking, which he calls the “Exponential Mindset,” is focused on determining the outcome you want for your business, and figuring out the steps (which are different for each business) necessary to achieve those outcomes. 

With the strategies Dussault helped Shafer develop, since they first met in 2013, the fan business has increased sales and profits exponentially. Meanwhile Shafer’s adjustments have reduced Invisco’s costs considerably, and helped the company fulfil orders in one-fourth the time it previously took. 

Shafer and Dussault met when Corona City Council Member Eugene Montanez, who owns Allegra Marketing Print Mail there, hosted a live event featuring the Australian marketing expert. But since the start of 2014, Montanez and Dussault have been using webcast video conferencing technology to bring the Australian to Corona, without Dussault even needing to leave his home office.

In January, they formed the VIP Mastermind Club, which allows Shafer and other local business owners to learn from Dussault on an on-going basis with monthly video conference sessions, in a small group setting. Dussault also gives the VIP Mastermind Club members individual attention by answering their questions via email. 

While Shafer’s priority was having more time for what mattered most, other business owners in the VIP Mastermind Club are focused on growing their internet presence or learning other marketing techniques that will bring them greater profits. As one who has used these strategies leveraging enough profit to “retire from the rat race” at age 42 in 2005, Dr. Dussault has walked the talk quite convincingly.

What makes Dr. Dussault’s approach especially effective is what some have called stealth marketing – effective strategies that can’t easily be detected by competitors. Since they can’t be (easily) copied, small business owners benefit from their marketing investments for much longer, usually creating a long-standing, defensible competitive advantage.

Although Dr. Dussault is retired, he fully enjoys traveling throughout Australia, the United States, his native Canada, and other parts of the world, sharing his tips for success as The Exponential Growth Strategist. And since his business mentoring service is still an active business, Dr. Dussault uses these same out-of-the-ordinary strategies to promote himself. 

He declares, “I can assist small business owners anywhere in the world. With today’s video conferencing and cloud-based web technologies, there is no technical obstacle, other than the business owner’s mindset, to accept that I may be located in Sydney, Montreal, London, or Singapore.” 

Because he exemplifies the Exponential Mindset Thinking he promotes, small business owners are easily swayed to join his program to create their own boundless opportunities – be they local, regional or international.

Invisco LLC

Invisco Whole House Fan Company is the brainchild of Kurt Shafer, a degreed engineer from the University of Southern California and a lifelong inventor. Kurt invented an invisible window screen in 1978 which caused the INVIsible Screen COmpany to be born, hence the acronym - INVISCO. 

Invisco has the most extensive line of whole house fans in the industry with both rafter-mounted systems for ultra-low noise operation as well as the most advanced ceiling mounted models. In 2013, Kurt invented, patented and trademarked – SmartSpeed - the first automatic speed controlled whole house fan to be offered worldwide to cater  to the most discerning homeowner.

A whole house fan eliminates the need to run expensive air conditioners that inefficiently cool all the rooms in your home. As it pulls the hot air up into the attic and out through vents, cool air flows into the windows you have opened to cool only the rooms you want to refresh. Because it silently and efficiently pulls hot air up and out of your home, it is vastly superior to a noisy window fan and costs a fraction of the cost to run air conditioning units. As a result, a whole house fan reduces energy consumption costs by as much as 90 percent, saving homeowners thousands of dollars in electricity bills.

Indirect benefits of whole house fans abound, including: The ability to cool only the rooms that are hot, not the whole house at once. The option of flushing out stale air, bringing in fresh air quickly clearing your home of smoke or cooking smells. With an industry-leading 15 year warranty, you can rest assured your long-term investment is well protected.

Based in Southern California, Invisco ships systems internationally with a long list of customers in many American cities, such as Boston, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Sacramento, Denver and Flagstaff. For more information on whole house fans, please visit or call Kurt at 951 296 3611.

Dr. Marc Dussault and Exponential Programs

Dussault, who lives in Sydney, Australia has brought a great deal of knowledge to Corona and Riverside-area business owners through his alliance with Allegra Marketing Print Mail here in Corona.

Allegra Marketing Print Mail, several times a year sponsors appearances by Dussault, and in 2014 has also arranged for a small group of business owners to meet by videoconference with him on a monthly basis. The videoconferencing group, the VIP Mastermind Club, receives personal, on-going mentoring from Dussault, thus is able to quickly apply the formulas for success he presents at his larger workshops to their own situations.  For more information please visit

Allegra Marketing Print Mail

Allegra Marketing Print Mail offers a full range of marketing services to southern California businesses. For more information about Allegra Marketing Print Mail call (951) 734-8181, or visit the company’s website at