Today's Companies are Obligated to Communities that Support Them

Modern companies are increasingly tasked with engaging and helping local communities.

Cleveland, United States of America, 12/09/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

Today’s companies, more than ever, have an obligation to give back to the communities that support them. From financial contributions to donating time and various resources, modern organizations owe a certain amount of service to the people and peoples that helped them achieve and sustain their success. In the words of Richard Branson: “Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people that work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa—and it’s about getting a balance.”

While recognizing that companies must continually invest in new products, operational procedures, and myriad other market necessities, it is also important to remember that the World can offer difficult circumstances for a large amount of people whether they are customers or not. Corporations can help make the World a better place. As summed up by Pearl S. Buck: “The test of a civilization is in the way it cares for its helpless members.”

Regardless the size of the company or the type of industry, businesses big and small, can reap and sow, the benefits of a functional philanthropic initiative. One local Cleveland company—Radical PI Sport Co—learned this lesson the easy way. “Since our inception we have realized that the World can be an ‘effed’ up place for many people. While we strive to stay competitive and relevant, we also understand that we as a business need to do what we can to help those that are in need” says Ms. Brit, Radical PI Sport Co’s brand manager.  Ms. Brit went on to say: “philanthropy can be a pleasant distraction; sometimes work becomes stressful and overwhelming, thus taking time and focus in a fresh, feel-good direction can be very rewarding. A true win-win situation for everyone involved.”  

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton once stated that “we live in an interdependent world. Every time you cut off somebody else’s opportunities, you shrink your own horizons.” These words are very true, relevant, and should not be ignored. As wealth becomes increasingly centralized it is crucial that corporations stay connected and engaged with the communities that enable them to thrive. In the words of another local leader: “We get it; we can’t fix everything, but we have to start somewhere.”

Radical PI Sport Co is a Cleveland, OH based sports company. To learn more visit them at

Contact Information:

Radical PI Sport Co

25400 Rockside Road; Bedford Heights, OH
