Dallas Youth Soccer Blogger Creates Avatar of Right Soccer Coach!

Learn 5 tips that helps you know if you picked the right coach. Ella Witherite explains 5 tips in her google video.

Dallas, United States, 08/03/2015 / SubmitMyPR /

Every parent's child wants their kid help the team win. Every parent also wants their child to become a better player and to become a better player you need a good coach to help you.  To learn more about youth soccer, read my blog post on "7 tips on how to play soccer like a pro".

I have addressed some of the common thoughts parents have when trying to find a good coach for the child and provided 5 tips to help parents and kids find the right coach.

Tip # 1.Does the coach have passion for the sport?

If the coach used to play the sport or has a connection with the sport it helps with the connection with the kids and how they teaches the sport.


Tip # 2. Is the coach able to observe?


Having a coach who is able to observe the game from the sideline and not just standing there and yelling at the kids “go get the ball” and “go do this” will have a better understanding of how the kids play. Then at the practices he can tell them what they did good and what they need to work on.

Tip # 3. Is the coach able to communicate with the children?


Alot of coaches dont know how to communicate with the kids. When a coach gets frustrated they kinds just start yelling at the kids and sometimes parents. The kids don't really do well when they get yelled at and will have a tendency to be more stabern. The best way to get a child to listen to you is to speak the way you would want them to speak to you.

Tip # 4. Does the coach have patients?

Patients is a big part of coaching. I have learned over the babysitting years that kids (depending on their age) can be kinda difficult. So if you have patients with the kids and the parents it will help you stay calm while teaching and it will make the kids pay attention. Also if your first teaching soccer the little tiny kids and it's their first time playing you really have to be patient because they won't understand anything you are saying.

Tip # 5. Does the coach think winning is everything?

Winning isnt everything. Sometimes you win and feel really good and then you could lose and still feel really good. If you play against a really hard team lose but you played hard and tried it kinda feels good knowing you tried and did a good job. A coach that isn't able to say “We did a good job even tho we lost” isn't a fun coaching just wanting to win every game and be the best. Some games are not just  about winning over losing. It's kinda just about being on the field with your friends and playing a sport you all love.


Watch video: Do you have rigght soccer coach



To learn more about everything related to soccer please bookmark my soccer blog page.

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Ella Witherite



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