The Secret Ingredient that SEO Firms Won’t Tell You

Search Engine Optimization firms charge tens of thousands of dollars to do this to increase your Google ranking. Why pay when you can do it yourself?

Fort Lauderdale, United States, 01/06/2017 / SubmitMyPR /

You have a business and you are trying to take it to the next level. You already have a website and an online presence, but still, something is missing. You need a video.

“It has been proven repeatedly that websites that use videos get a higher ranking on Google,” Sheila Danzig, head of marketing at 345AnimationVideos, reports. “This is the secret ingredient that works every time. One client called to tell us that his video made it to the first page of Google searches and that his income increased by 347% just by adding a video to his website.”

We spoke with 345AnimationVideos about how to best incorporate video content into a website. They explained whiteboard animation offers businesses a simple, inexpensive option for expressing what their business is all about in an engaging, video format. Including a top-notch animation video in your website not only improves Google search engine rankings, but these videos can also go viral on their own.

Including a video in your website means more exposure, which translates into more sales for you. Studies also show that people stay on sites with videos longer. This also increases the rate of conversion of visitors to customers. This means even more revenue for you.

You need a professional team that delivers top quality whiteboard animation videos at the lowest prices.

“High-quality video is essential, so do not sacrifice quality for cost,” cautions Melissa Rayman, head of the creative team at 345AnimaltionVideo. “You need a professional team that delivers top quality whiteboard animation videos at the lowest prices.”

Animation Videos have increased sales by up to 347%, which means more money in your pocket.

345AnimationVideos offers the top-notch designs, professional voice recordings, and full HD video. The firm also offers the option of including music with or without voiceover, as well as in-house script writing. The firm serves as a one-stop shop for all of your animated video content needs so you can start attracting potential clients to your website by raising your rankings, and increasing sales by improving your website’s conversion rate.

Are you interested in more visitors and more sales?

Would you like a No-Charge Custom Sample animation video for Your Business?

Then contact us today, and let us expand your business with you.  Email us at