Zyno Medical, LLC, a global medical device manufacturer, focused on large volume and ambulatory infusion pumps, patient safety and providing clinical workflow improvements will feature the Nimbus Flex ambulatory infusion system at this year’s Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) 43rd Annual Meeting, CANCERSCAPE, March 29-31, in Washington, D.C.
The Nimbus Flex features a pre-loaded chemotherapy infusion protocol allowing patients and caregivers infusion optimization while providing customizable advanced therapeutic options. An auto-lock feature makes the Nimbus Flex a hassle free device by locking the system once an infusion has started. The compact and light weight design makes it a less cumbersome device for the patient while completing their daily activities. With intelligent device features and a flexible business model, Nimbus Flex provides a unique system for ambulatory cancer care.
"We are excited to support the ACCC and the leaders in cancer care while featuring the Nimbus Flex,” said Dr. Chaoyoung Lee, the president and CEO of Zyno Medical, LLC. “Nimbus Flex is the latest in ambulatory infusion technology and provides cancer care teams with a customizable infusion solution to provide quality cancer care for their patients and the flexibility to manage their practice.”
The Nimbus Flex is intended for subcutaneous, percutaneous, perineural, epidural, and intravenous infusion, including but not limited to patient controlled analgesia (PCA) delivery in clinical and non-clinical environments, such as homes.
About ACCC
The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) is the leading advocacy and education organization for the multidisciplinary cancer care team. More than 23,000 cancer care professionals from over 2,500 hospitals and practices nationwide are affiliated with ACCC. Providing a national forum for addressing issues that affect community cancer programs, ACCC is recognized as the premier provider of resources for the entire oncology care team. Our members include medical and radiation oncologists, surgeons, cancer program administrators and medical directors, senior hospital executives, practice managers, pharmacists, oncology nurses, radiation therapists, social workers, and cancer program data managers. For more information, visit the ACCC website at accc-cancer.org.
About Zyno Medical, LLC
Zyno Medical’s market focus is the non-acute or alternate care market where it manufactures durable, advanced technology infusion pumps designed specifically for needs that are unique to this market. Since its inception, the company has assembled a wealth of engineering talent and clinical experience, as well as manufacturing, customer and market expertise. Zyno Medical is headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts.
The mission of Zyno Medical is to design and manufacture the most advanced infusion systems while applying a commitment to quality, simplicity, durability, connectivity and upgradability in order to deliver extraordinary benefits in patient safety, work flow efficiency and low total cost of ownership. For more information, please visit www.zynomed.com.