How News Publishers Can Make the Most of Google’s SEO Best Practices

Learn how news publishers can use Google's SEO Best Practices to improve their news websites.

Dallas, United States, 03/19/2020 / SubmitMyPR /

If your website provides breaking news coverage, Google’s latest published guide provides SEO best practices. According to SEO expert and news writer Matt Southern, the guide “focuses on tools that news publishers can use to create a data-rich and engaging experience for readers.”

Here are some of the main points from the guide. 

Article Structured Data. AMP pages with article structured data are eligible for enhanced appearance in search results, including placement in the top stories and host carousels, and visual story rendering. AMP article markup can be tested with the Rich Results Tool. 

Mark Up Live Streams. “LIVE” badges are provided to sites that live stream video during an event if they mark the video up with “BroadcastEvent structured data.”

For optimal crawling and indexing, Google recommends using the Indexing API:

“The Indexing API allows any site owner to directly notify Google when certain types of pages are added or removed. This allows Google to schedule pages for a fresh crawl, which can lead to more relevant user traffic as your content is updated.”

Update Google AMP Cache. “Sites can force an update to the Google AMP cache by sending an update request,” says Southern, “This is useful if pages are changing in response to a live news event.”

Use News-related Components for AMP Pages. Google recommends the following:

  • <amp-live-list> to add live content to your article. 
  • <amp-script> to run your Javascript inside of your AMP pages. 

See Google’s full guide for further information.

If you an SEO company wanting to grow your business by publishing news and press releases, contact KISS PR website growth company 

Agnes Zang