Exposed, Broken Trust, the dramatic book about experiments on twins to be released on November, 8th

The development of medicine often means more lives saved. However, to reach discoveries, some scientists forget the basic ethical principles.

New York City, United States, 11/02/2020 / SubmitMyPR /

The development of medicine often means more lives saved. However, to reach discoveries, some scientists forget the basic ethical principles. History is full of such examples, many are covered up and silenced, and many are still relevant today.

The new, upcoming book Exposed, Broken Trust by Fodeliah Castro Del Ruz, is about twins that were experimented on by the medical industry, disenfranchised by the church, the family, educational establishment, the workforce, and external forces.

The baby twin daughters were born conceived through a paternal and maternal ministerial family line, concealed and shield in a sheltered upbringing to discover the true reason for their orphan ship, as turmoil unfold in hope and fight to take their rightful place, their birthright.

The information brought forward will delve into those who operate on low vibration, psychic vampires intending to infect and alter those who are of God’s grand design. It provides insight into the maneuvering of human deportment so that one can protect themselves and their loved ones.

Interest to author this book is due to first-hand experience and the education and knowledge that I had accumulated as a child through adulthood. Because of spiritual insight and personal experience and a witness to many specific incidents in the author’s life that happen to her and her twin, she had to physically perform investigation and research to justify the wrongful transactions on their existence.

“Citizens, you are a more compelling argument because you are worth more than gold; not all ideas are divine. Herd immunity such creation encourages the population to congregate deceiving, stealing their light and goodness from those souls with intent to pass experimental drugs (Remdesivir) and others. Be warned,”– said Fodeliah Castro Del Ruzthe author of the book.

As various theories, research and experiments are current at the time of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, this book will be published at the right time. Moreover, this will add the dark forces the twins were exposed from conception to adulthood since their earthly father departed this universe. A very inspiring and interesting book that will delight readers around the world.

The book will be released on November 8, 2020, and can be pre-ordered.

For more info, contact

Fodeliah Castro Del Ruz:
Phone: 336-358-6024.