In a mission to better serve its clients, the company has worked to enhance its digital presence and offerings.

Birmingham, United States, 12/14/2020 / SubmitMyPR /

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., December 14, 2020McClellan Wealth Management has launched a new website and begun offering online consultations. In a mission to better serve its clients, the company has worked to enhance its digital presence and offerings.

In an effort to keep clients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, McClellan is now providing clients with the option of meeting with their financial advisor via online video calls. This gives clients of McClellan the ability to discuss their financial plans in real-time with their advisor without having to leave their homes.

With the launch of the new company website, McClellan's clients, as well as those interested in wealth management services, can more easily learn about the company and its offerings. From the website, clients can also view their wealth management plan, access their Performance Reporting, and log into their Fidelity account.

“Being able to connect digitally with both existing clients and potential clients has never been more important than now,” states Josh Slocum of McClellan Wealth Management. “It’s important that we continue to stay ahead of the curve in order to best serve our clients.”

By enhancing their digital presence, the team at McClellan Wealth Management aims to serve clients in a safer, and more convenient, and effective manner.

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McClellan Wealth Management is a boutique wealth management firm in Birmingham, AL, that specializes in providing tailored wealth management solutions for individuals. McClellan Wealth ensures its clients receive the professional services they want and need by providing attention to detail. While some financial firms put the interest of their advisers and shareholders first, McClellan Wealth Management puts their clients' interests first by acting as fiduciary. McClellan is a firm with experience that can help you manage your wealth efficiently for the long term.

McClellan Wealth Management, A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC
