Online Feldenkrais Classes Now Available Through Zoom

Introducing “Awareness Through Movement”, a series of online Feldenkrais classes through Zoom, Nikola J. seeks to elevate human beings on much more than just the physical level.

Budapest, Hungary, 02/20/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Nikola J., an avid somatic movement researcher, and enthusiast has introduced a series of online Feldenkrais classes through Zoom. Titled “Awareness Through Movement,” the classes are currently open for registration at

The Feldenkrais Method is known for improving the quality of movement to improve one’s quality of life. Developed in the mid-1900s by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, it is a self-improvement framework based on principles of human development, learning, physics, and biomechanics. The Feldenkrais Method teaches one how to physically and emotionally move through the world with a sense of freedom, comfort, and ease.

In essence, the method can possibly reduce chronic muscle tension, improve flexibility and range of motion, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and breathing, increase athletic performance, improve balance, coordination, and posture while providing several other benefits. It is particularly beneficial for those concerned about calming down their nervous system and releasing stress or recovering from injury by improving their quality and range of movement.

The author of the “Awareness Through Movement” Zoom classes, Nikola J., has devoted his time to extensively research and study movement as self-expression and therapeutic tool. The author quotes the teachings of the Feldenkrais Method, Somatics by Thomas Hanna, Ideokinesis, Body-Mind Centering, Contact Improvisation, Axis Syllabus, Qigong, and other modalities as his primary inspirations.

According to Nikola, “I encounter possibilities to facilitate growth within myself and my surroundings. I’m interested in how somatic and movement practices can improve the quality of our actions and everyday life on all levels.” The Hungarian somatic movement expert believes that by improving and changing their alignment, and not just on the physical level, humans are capable of changing their relationship toward the whole world and people in it.

The online Zoom classes take place every Thursday at 19h CET, and everybody is welcome to join them. Surprisingly, there is no set price for the classes as people can attend them for free or pay what they wish. “I believe these lessons are powerful and want as many committed people to experience it as possible,” adds Nikola.

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