Explore the Best Cookbook Collections by Cuisine at Cuisinen.com

An All-New Website that Helps Food Bloggers Promote their Cookbooks by Cuisine

Los Angeles, United States, 03/18/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

18th March 2021 – Cuisinen.com is the newest cookbook website that helps food bloggers, chefs, and food enthusiasts promote their cookbooks by cuisine. This site was started by Kendrick Moore, a travel journalist who believes that foods are what reflect the most about any country or culture. Food has the power to connect people and that is where cuisines are no more limited to their country of origin. Whether it is Asian food or Mediterranean, American or African, people these days are not hesitating to try new recipes at their favorite restaurants back home or while they are on vacation. Each and every cuisine is different but one thing that connects them all is the authentic heritage and culture.

The pandemic might have caused a lot of disruption in everyone’s life but it sure did motivate people to spend more in the kitchen. Kitchens could be quite intimidating if people haven’t spent much time there. Thanks to the cookbooks, more and more individuals are trying to spend more time cooking their favorite dishes irrespective of the cuisine. The cookbooks featured here are not just limited to one or two cuisines but cover all the cuisines and popular dishes from different parts of the world. While this platform is great for bloggers to promote their books, it is also a great place for cooking enthusiasts to explore their cooking skills. Even amateurs who have never tried their culinary skills will eventually ace the cooking thing.


From the Asian cuisine, explore the authentic East Timorese cookbooks, authentic Bangladeshi and Burmese cookbooks, Cypriot cookbooks, Hawaiian cookbooks, Asian dumplings recipe books, and many others. The European cuisine features recipe books on authentic Mediterranean, Estonian, Georgian, Liechtenstein, Vincentian, Christian, etc. African cuisine is known for its intense variety cooked with lots of love. So, those who love this cuisine can find a lot of books including Somali, Comoran, Libyan, Burundian, Burkinan, Djiboutian, etc. Oceania cuisine is something that is known for the freshest seafood, taro, and different types of potatoes, taros, and coconut milk. Take a trip to the tropics with the exclusive recipe books from this region.

A lot of homework went into creating this website. Kendrick Moore has utilized the lockdown period documenting various cuisines that he has tried and is yet to try. Cooking is extremely easy when one has the determination and knowledge. As far as skills go it will take a few dishes to practice and preparation before. The cookbooks mentioned on this website are recommended for all novice and expert chefs. Each and every book is carefully reviewed so that the readers get to explore the best from the culinary world. Both the book and its author are briefly introduced to help the visitors understand the book and what’s it all about before they dig deeper.

To know more visit https://cuisinen.com/

About Cuisinen.com

Cuisinen.com is a new website that helps food bloggers promote their cookbook, especially by cuisine. The currently featured cuisines are African, Asian, European, American, and Oceania.



Website: https://cuisinen.com/

Publicist: news.38digitalmarket.com