Rehydrating your body during the summer season is very important. Otherwise, you may suffer from dehydration or heat stroke. If you do any heavy activity like sauna sessions, hot yoga, intense workout, or hot yoga classes, then you should drink water after doing these activities to rehydrate your body.
Rehydrating your body is very important to prevent your body organs from any kind of damage. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss various tips and tricks to rehydrate your body, especially during the summer season.
Symptoms Of Dehydration
All cells, tissues, and organs of the body need water for optimum functioning. Water helps in maintaining the ideal temperature of the body. Also, it helps in the lubricating joint, removes waste from the body, transports nutrients, and also helps in the circulation of the blood.
If your body dehydrates, then your body will not be able to perform various functions properly. If excessive sweating is the reason for dehydration of your body, then stay inside your home and install air conditioning Sydney.
For instance, if your body will dehydrate due to sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, or taking any medicine, then you should start drinking water or healthy fluids. Some people are more prone to dehydration, such as older adults, children, etc.
Some of the signs of dehydration are increased thirst, excessive urination, tiredness, headache, dizziness, dry mouth, etc. The color of urine is also an indicator of your body's hydration status. If your urine is pale yellow, then it means that your body is properly hydrated.
If your urine color is dark yellow, then it indicates your body is dehydrated. With the change in the hydration level of your body, the hydration status of your body also changes. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss different ways to rehydrate your body:
1. Drink Plenty Of Water
One of the best ways to keep your body hydrated is by drinking a huge volume of water. You should drink plain water free from germs and microbes. You should not add sugar or calories rich items in your drink because they will lead to an increase in the calories.
There are so many factors that are responsible for generating more sweat as compared to the others. For some people, only water can help in rehydrating their bodies. The people who have salty swear should replace sodium along with water. It can be done by drinking plenty of water with eating a balanced diet.
2. Coffee And Tea
You may have heard that coffee and tea can dehydrate your body. But if you will drink coffee and tea in a moderate amount, then they can help in hydrating your body. Also, they served as energizing alternative.
Experts have conducted a survey in which 50 people drank 4 cups of coffee every day (each cup is comprised of 800 ml of coffee. It has been observed that coffee acts as a hydrating agent. If you do not like plain coffee, then we recommend you add unsweetened almond milk in your coffee and herbs to add flavor.
3. Low Fat Milk
We all know that milk is comprised of various essential nutrients. But only a few people are aware of the fact that milk also has hydrating properties. Milk is naturally comprised of a high concentration of electrolytes. It also helps in balancing the level of water in your body.
Various researches have shown that low-fat milk is just like the popular sports drink used for the hydration of the body. It provides protein and various other important nutrients. Low-fat milk is comprised of high-quality protein.
Therefore, it is good for post-exercise hydration of the body. It will help in kick-starting muscle repair and also help in rebuilding technique. But if your body cannot tolerate lactose or certain milk proteins, then you should not have low-fat milk.
4. Fruits And Vegetables
You should consume those fruits and vegetables which are comprised of 80 to 99% of water. These fruits and vegetables are good hydrating snacks. Therefore, you should add these kinds of fruits and vegetables to your daily routine, especially during the summer season.
If you are suffering from dehydration, then you should avoid going outside and stay inside your cool home. To maintain a cool ambiance at your home, you should consider the installation of ducted air conditioning Sydney.
5. Oral Hydration Solutions
The oral hydration solution is one of the specialized formulas used for rehydrating the body. This solution can also help in recovering you from dehydration during vomiting and diarrhea. It can also be used to bolster exercise recovery and also help in the situation of hangovers.
The oral hydrating solutions are water-based and are comprised of electrolytes known as chloride, potassium, and sodium. Oral hydration solution is comprised of water, sugar, and electrolyte.
Original Source of the original story >> How To Rehydrate Your Body Quickly During The Summer Season