Google Adds Presearch As A Default Option on Android Devices in EU - Search Engine Journal

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Google is adding private, decentralized search engine Presearch as a default option on all new and factory-reset Android devices in the U.K. and Europe.

Nearly 70% of smartphone owners in Europe use the Android operating system, which means there’s strong potential for this fledgling search engine to grow its user base.

Presearch has 2.2 million registered users and averages 1.3 million searches per day.

That’s obviously not comparable to Google, but it’s fair to compare Presearch to privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo.

At 1.3 million searches per day, Presearch is roughly on par with DuckDuckGo’s search volume in 2012 after 3 years in business.

Given that Presearch was founded in 2017, its current search volume is respectable for the niche it’s targeting. Since January 2021 its search volume has grown 300%.

To give you an idea of what the market for privacy-focused search engines is like at the moment, DuckDuckGo is currently averaging 94 million searches per day.

The interest is there and it’s growing year-over-year. Last year, for example, DuckDuckGo was averaging 65 million searches per day.

There’s no guarantee Presearch will see similar success, but it’s now a search engine that’s worth keeping an eye on.

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