How to Write an Author Bio: EAT, SEO Tips & Great Examples - Search Engine Journal

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Since the disruptive algorithm update some in the industry call the “Medic Update,” SEO professionals have seen consecutive broad core algorithm updates from Google.

The search engine has indicated that “there is no ‘fix'” required to recover from these types of updates.

However, some SEO pros have put forward convincing studies, including this one from Lily Ray, that not demonstrating E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, and Trust) in a site’s content can be a demolishing factor in its search engine visibility.

In fact, Google mentions E-A-T 137 times in the current iteration of its 167-page search quality raters guidelines. It also advises that raters check to see if the page says who the author is and lists their biography and credentials.

We must not take the quality raters guidelines as indicators of ranking signals, as they do not directly influence rankings.

And Google has confirmed that they do not rank websites based on author reputation.

So why even care about author bios for SEO? In this column, you’ll learn why author bios matter and how to write an SEO-friendly author bio.

You’ll also find writing tips and an author bio template to help you get started.

Author Authority and Google

Google’s John Mueller downplayed the necessity of author bio pages...

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