10 Ethical Grey Areas & Illegal SEM Practices (And How to Solve Them) - Search Engine Journal

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Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite subject in digital marketing: oversight and ethics. Specifically, how the lack of one brought the other into question.

In this piece, we’ll take a quick trip down memory lane to see just how we got to the state SEM/PPC ethics are in today.

Then you’ll find 10 ethically questionable practices that are happening across the industry.

For each one, we’ll take a look at why it’s potentially problematic, whether it’s unethical or actually illegal, and whether oversight of some type could help.

Full transparency, an episode or two of Real Housewives inspired this article. Let’s get to it.

Learning to Spot Ethical Grey Areas in SEM

I started in SEM some 16 years ago, and one thing I noticed is that there was almost no oversight from any party other than the search engines themselves.

Because of the lack of oversight, there were a lot of shady and questionable practices within the space.

Some were well worth an indictment or subpoena. But with a lack of regulations and oversight, it was hard to say if an operation was being unethical.

Still, you knew it when you saw it.

How little oversight was there in the SEM space? It wasn’t until 2009 that the FDA stepped in.

Finally, it told pharma companies and...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/oversight-ethics-in-sem/419594/

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