Beware of fake customer care numbers on Google - Mint

The modus operandi of fraudsters is to meddle with the customer care numbers of reputed companies and financial institutions on the Internet to misdirect consumers into calling them.

This is done in several ways. The most commonly practiced method is where conmen modify customer care coordinates of a company on Google and use SEO to push their fake number at the top of the search results. Most consumers look up for a service provider’s customer care coordinates on Google when they want to register a complaint with the latter. Frauds take advantage of this basic disposition of consumers.

Not just Google search engine, frauds also replace the original contact coordinates of popular retail stores and banks on Google Maps with their own.

Twitter and Facebook are the other two mediums where frauds temper with customer care coordinates. They closely follow complaints being raised by consumers on Twitter and immediately respond to those posts with their fake numbers.

Another method is where frauds create industry blogs, say on e-commerce shopping, on platforms like Medium and post fake numbers posing as customer care coordinates of companies in that industry.

Preventing and reporting fraud

Facebook, Twitter handles of most big companies and banks are verified so one must pay attention to the Twitter handle that responds to the post.

Most importantly, under any circumstances, do not share banking details, such as card number, CVV, ATM PIN, banking passwords and one-time-password...

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