3 Indispensable Pieces of SEO Advice for Beginners & Clients - Search Engine Journal

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The biggest mistake I see SEO newbies make is what I call the “quest for the right way.”

Passionate newbie SEO professionals, drunk with visions of the possible traffic, sales, and money that should follow a number one ranking for a high-value keyword, spend hours reverse-engineering the search engine results pages looking for a magic bullet that will push their site to the top.

The SEO industry is full of personalities that require validation.

These personalities have to “be right.”

The problem is that, in our industry, it’s not always possible to know who is right.

In fact, I’d venture to say that there is more than one way to be right — and a lot of ways to be wrong — when it comes to SEO.

So when those new to the industry look to their established peers for advice, they are often presented with seemingly contradictory viewpoints where all parties think that their way is the “right” way.

And in many cases, their way may be the right one.

But it’s usually not the only way.

Here are three pieces of advice every SEO beginner and prospective client should heed.

1. What Makes a “Quality” Site

Recently, I had a Twitter interaction with a reader who thought that Google was doing a poor job of ranking the sites with the highest quality information.

I argued...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-advice-for-beginners/419966/

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