Bdaily Tech Week 2021: Digital agency Squidgy on why SEO matters to growing SMEs - Bdaily

As part of Bdaily’s Tech Week 2021, we spoke to the team at Newcastle-based digital agency Squidgy about how SMEs can best harness search engine optimisation (SEO) to increase their online traffic and boost their brand.

As a business owner, CEO or manager, we’d take a bet that you’ll have some understanding of SEO, or you will have at least have heard it once or twice in meetings. Until relatively recently, the term was still so new, a dark art in the marketing world, that we had to waste a big chunk of a pitch explaining it - but these days we typically find we only have to give a quick refresher.

A little while ago in a pitch, a prospect held up their hands and said they didn’t actually know what SEO really was and that honesty was so refreshing. It saved us all time and the awkward guessing game and it meant that we could really get down to business. Even if you are aware of SEO, you probably don’t fully understand just how impactful it can be in the business world and just how much power it can hold.

So call this your refresher, or even your head start. We’ve answered all the questions we’ve been asked in our digital career to get you up to speed and explain why you will want to understand SEO.

“What is SEO?“

SEO - or ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ if we’re using its Sunday name - is the marketing process of optimising a website (in a number of different ways) to ensure Google* (a search engine) has a better understanding of what you do/offer/sell.

“Why is SEO important?...

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