How to Build SEO-Friendly Internal Link Structures Using AI - Search Engine Journal

Call it link flow. Link equity. PageRank.

No matter what you call it, how your pages are linked to and from one another is one of the key drivers of your rankings in search.

But managing internal linking is “painful,” “time-burning,” and ”mind-numbing,” according to SEO professionals we’ve heard from, which is why many SEO teams put internal link building on the back burner.

Doing so is a big mistake.

In our experience from running analyses on tens of thousands of websites, getting the link flow to each of your key pages and keeping it there can make the difference between rising to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) and languishing with the rest of the pack.

Fortunately, AI can save you time and effort in tackling this critical area of SEO.

Solutions like Market Brew from Brewco are now using the power of artificial intelligence to show you how, when, and where to optimize your internal linking to achieve your highest SERP potential.

Do I Need to Optimize My Internal Links?

Most sites do. But not all.

One of the key applications of AI in SEO – built off this foundational patent — is understanding what actually drives rankings for any given keyword.

There’s no single solution here. Every SERP weighs factors differently, from keyword to keyword and country to country.

You’ll hear lots of points of view on what matters most for SEO. Some say it’s semantic factors. Others say domain factors. There’s also page performance, internal linking, and the list goes...

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