What is Enterprise Search? Definition and Examples - Search Engine Journal

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There are a lot of different ways of tackling digital marketing at the enterprise level — and even some confusion about what enterprise actually means.

Is it a large company or other organization?

Is it a network of many websites?

Is it a global brand, or a particularly large and complex website?

Enterprise marketing can apply to each of these scenarios. In this column, we’re going to dig into some of the other frequently asked questions people have about one particularly important and important aspect of digital marketing at the enterprise level: Search.

What is Enterprise Search?

First, it’s important to note that in information management, enterprise search applies to the ways in which organizations make information accessible internally.

However, for digital marketers, enterprise search applies to how enterprise organizations’ websites and large, complex websites or site networks themselves are found online.

Enterprise entities may have more complex technical issues, hundreds or even thousands of sites and online listings, millions of webpages and/or products, challenges of scale in workflows, numerous stakeholders to consider, and more.

As a broad topic, and depending on the needs of the organization, an enterprise search strategy might encompass...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/what-is-enterprise-search/419795/

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