Google on Using Duplicate Manufacturer Product Descriptions - Search Engine Journal

Google's John Mueller offered encouraging feedback on ranking eCommerce sites that use manufacturer product descriptions

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Google’s John Mueller in an SEO Office Hours hangout answered how Google handles product descriptions that are duplicates from the manufacturers. Mueller assured that it’s not a problem and described what Google does to choose which page to show in the search results.

How to Get Around Duplicate Content Issues?

The person asking the question was concerned about an ecommerce store that uses the stock product descriptions from the manufacturer. He wanted to know if there was a way to avoid any negative ranking consequences from duplicate product descriptions that were taken from the manufacturer.

The person asking the question asked if linking to the original source might be a way to avoid duplicate content issues.

Google’s John Mueller on Using Manufacturer Product Descriptions

There are No Duplicate Content Penalties

John Mueller started out by answering that they don’t need to link to the original source in order to avoid the consequences of duplicate content.

He explained that the reason he didn’t have to take that step was because there is no algorithmic penalty or harm from duplicate content.

Mueller commented:

“So there are two...

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