How to Know Core Web Vitals Affects Your Search Rankings - Search Engine Journal

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Google’s John Mueller answered a question about how to know if the Page Experience Update affected your rankings. Mueller explained what to watch for to know whether the Core Web vitals ranking factors are impacting site rankings and when it’s not.

Site Lost 20% of Rankings in Page Experience Update

A person shared that their site lost 20% of their organic search traffic after Google announced their page experience update was rolling out.

The drop in traffic was felt immediately.

They asked if fixing core web vitals issues will help regain traffic and how long it would take for the ranking signal to affect their traffic.

“Is it safe to suggest that the sit will regain traffic after we …fix the issues with core web vitals?

And also, how long will it take, do we need to wait… another huge update?”

How to Know if Page Experience Update Affected a Site

Google’s John Mueller offered a clear explanation of how to tell if ranking changes are due to the page experience update.

Mueller first asked if the change was felt immediately after the update was finished and the person asking the question affirmed that that was the case, that the change was felt immediately.

Mueller responded:

“I don’t think that would be related.

The reason I don’t think that would...

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