SaaS Homepage SEO Optimization Guide Part III: On-Page Optimization - DevPro Journal

In this final post of the three-part series, I’ll look at other on-page SEO ranking factors not covered in the previous posts. By observing the best practices regarding these variables, you can help increase the chances of your homepage ranking on Google.

Practice Internal Linking

Internal linking plays a significant role in SEO and ranking:

  • It enables search engine crawlers to discover other pages to understand better what your product is about, thus increasing your keyword rankings.
  • It helps web visitors find other relevant content that they can use to make their purchase decision.
  • It helps establish signals for site hierarchy.

The most appropriate way to do internal linking is to split your site into separate topics. For example, you can have additional menus at the footer to direct visitors to pages like contacts or About Us on your site.

You can link to case studies, customer testimonials, and relevant blog content to spread link juice around within the copy. The most crucial factor is maintaining natural links, whether you use internal linking above or below the fold.

Add Your Social Media Handles

There’s no evidence that social media directly impacts SEO. Still, it helps improve brand exposure and visibility, eventually increasing traffic to your homepage and impacting your ranking as visitors share links to your homepage on social media channels. Besides, search engines index social media profiles, helping drive more traffic to your page.

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