The Definitive SEO Guide 2021- Here's How to Increase Your Readership Online | TechQuila - TechQuila

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is something every aspiring writer and publisher should be aware of before taking a gamble into the competitive field of written content. Everything might look daunting at the beginning, but it gets easier the more you learn about it. Here’s a handy SEO guide to help you get started!

Every search engine in this world has its method to distinguish which among thousands of pages it chooses to display on the front page. To increase your probability of being displayed amongst the upper echelon of websites on Google’s and Bing’s front pages, you need to work on increasing your SEO score. There are two parts to Search Engine Optimisation: On-Page and Off-Page SEO.

On-Page SEO refers to everything that you can optimise within your content to help it rank higher in a search engine. Everything from titles to the actual content of your page matters while deciding if your article was good enough to make it in a search engine’s good graces. Let’s talk about the multiple facets involved in On-Page SEO.

Writing about trendy topics is always going to get more clicks than writing about something more niche, so keep your eye on the latest trends as well as any topics that trend upwards at a certain time of the year, festivals and holidays, for example. Your article must be relevant to the keyword, a very important aspect of Search Engine Optimisation. If your article isn’t really relevant to the discussion, expect it to slide down the rankings.

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