What Sustainability means for the Future of your Hotel | By Ines Barreiros – Hospitality Net - Hospitality Net

Sustainability is becoming more widely viewed as the key to a successful business in this century, becoming the main concern for (not only) the travel sector. I’m sure this is not a new term for you, since it is driving the world’s agenda these days. Business leaders everywhere are adopting sustainable practices and aligning them with their operations. But what does sustainability really mean for your hotel? Continue reading to find out.

What does Sustainability mean for the Travel & Hospitality sectors?

Historically, the Travel and Hospitality sectors have majorly impacted the environment through the consumption of energy, water, and consumable goods. Hotels specifically rely on much of the same natural environment that travelers want to visit and consume.

Although hotels and the wider tourism industry rely heavily on the quality of the environment to attract visitors, the relationship is complex. The construction of tourism facilities, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, airports, and marinas, can all have a detrimental impact on the environment. Furthermore, the use of mass transportation (aircraft, cruise ships, etc) and disruptions to local and/or natural attractions caused by visiting tourists can also have negative consequences.

These adverse effects of tourism development and consumption can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it depends.

As travelers grow more aware and concerned about the environmental impact of their practices,...

Read Full Story: https://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4106628.html

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