BioFit white paper explains material and construction considerations for high tech seating specifiers - Cleanroom Technology

Free publication provides guidance on ergonomic cleanroom and ESD chair selection

When choosing seating for contaminant- and static-control applications, precision design, components tested to meet stringent standards and proven manufacturing techniques top the list of requirements.

And naturally, ergonomic support is critical to keep workers comfortable and performing at high levels, especially due to the unique and varied tasks, customary shift changes, and shared use of workstations prevalent in today’s technical facilities. With BioFit’s high tech seating white paper, you’ll discover:

  • Distinguishing features of chairs and stools used in different ISO class environments, including under-seat breather elements and air filtration assemblies, upholsteries, metal finishes and more.
  • Parts and methodologies employed in the fabrication of ESD seating to reliably control electrostatic discharge.
  • Product engineering, functionality and specialised materials that enhance cleanability and help ensure worker well-being and long-term use.

Download the BioFit High Tech Seating white paper here.

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