How to Optimize Gallery Page Images for Google Search - Search Engine Journal

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Today’s Ask an SEO question comes from Johnny in California, who asks:

“I’m an artist with gallery pages full of images of my paintings and very little text. How do I get those paintings to rank better? I’ve also noticed that Google ranks photos much faster and better than images of paintings.”

I’m not a very visual person.

Just ask my wife.

When we look at Airbnb listings, my wife immediately goes and looks at the pictures.

I scroll straight down to the property description.

Most visual artists I know think words and fonts are ugly.

They understandably want the visuals to be the star of the show.

For people like me, however, just looking at the pretty pictures isn’t going to make me buy.

When I’m looking for art, I want it to have a story.

I want to know the “why” behind the painting I’m going to buy.

Google Images are Pretty Cool

One of the coolest and biggest secrets Google has is reverse image search.

Take a picture and throw it into Google, and through the magic of technology, Google finds similar images and can even tell you where the image came from, in most cases.

This is particularly useful for those of us who use stock photography.

We use it to make sure that the stock image we are using isn’t overly used on other sites.

For artists, it can...

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