A nation hungry for some honesty to admit divide between India and Bharat - National Herald

Airports are crowded while youth are jobless. Snakebites kill 100 every day but we are celebrating a billion vaccines doses. A fancy capital is being built but public infrastructure are crumbling
The government is understandably upset with India’s poor standing in the ‘2021 Global Hunger Index’ and has begun an exercise to discredit the report and its findings.
The official story that India is shining doesn’t fit the ugly fact that people have been severely hit by Covid-19 and related restrictions in India, which is also the nation with the highest child-wasting (low weight for height, reflecting undernourishment) rate worldwide, to quote from the 60-page, peer-reviewed report.
The report produced by Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V., Germany and Concern Worldwide, Ireland, (both noted aid organisations in their respective countries), places India’s global hunger index rank in the world at 101, closer to the bottom of the heap of 116 nations ranked, and well behind Pakistan at rank 92, Bangladesh at rank 76, and Myanmar at rank 71.
In the divisive political climate of India, the issue is already relegated to political football status, and will soon be forgotten. It will be buried by an official propaganda machine that knows how to digress and divert attention, and an opposition that will want to score points. Both do disservice to the condition of the poor, particularly children of India, where admittedly and on official count, malnutrition is a contributory factor in 50% of...

Read Full Story: https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/a-nation-hungry-for-some-honesty-to-admit-divide-between-india-and-bharat

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