I.E Green Tea, Presents Research Showing The Importance of Daily Green Tea Consumption

The research by the leading green tea brand was presented in the latest blog post on its official website. The data offers insight into why daily green tea consumption is good for one's health.

Chicago, 11/30/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Leading green team brand, I.E Green Tea, published a blog post stating a couple of benefits associated with drinking green tea. Granted, the leading green tea company isn’t the first to publish or talk about these benefits; a lot of the information provided is based on the latest research. The latest research regarding the use of green tea packs includes one spanning over 40,000 healthy Japanese people aged between 40 and 79 showed that individuals drinking five cups of green tea a day tended to live longer compared to those who were consuming even a cup less.

I.E. Green Tea

A few other exciting benefits include the positive effect that green tea can have on the skin and enhancing brain function. Numerous studies have, over the years, also shown that drinking between 4-5 cups of green tea every day may reduce the risk of a stroke by as much as 20%. The catechins in green tea help to regulate blood pressure which in turn improves blood flow. Interestingly a single serving of I.E. Green tea provides as many antioxidants as 14 cups of regular green tea, so people don’t need to drink five cups every day when drinking I.E Green Tea.

Readers interested in finding out more and learning about how I.E. Green tea can help them live longer and healthier lives should read the original blog post at: https://iegreentea.com/blogs/health/5-reasons-to-add-green-tea-to-your-daily-routine.

“Green tea is the perfect low caffeine, zero-calorie beverage that just about anyone can drink. Regardless of your age, drinking green tea poses no adverse effects; in fact, you can be assured of it leaving you feeling younger, healthier, and more energetic. However, over the years, we’ve researched what makes drinking green tea so great and pack all of that into a single bag of green tea. Thus I.E. Green Tea is more potent than conventional green tea, so you can be assured of feeling refreshed and more energetic but not needing to drink several cups.” Said a representative for I.E. Green Tea.

She added, “We have quite a few different types of green teas, from our peach green tea to the classic taste, so you’ll never get tired of this awesome beverage. However, you are free to try other brands of green tea, but none of them pack the benefits that I.E. Green Tea offers in a single bag. That is why you can be assured of living a long and healthy life with regular green tea consumption. If anything, two cups a day of our green tea can make a huge difference.”

Doctors do not advise against consuming green tea; on the contrary, they may ask many patients to add a cup or two of green tea a day to their diet. However, people with pre-existing conditions or those with issues like caffeine intolerance should speak with a professional first.

About I.E. Green Tea

I.E. Green Tea sells a brand of superior quality green tea known for offering many health benefits. The brand prides itself on selling the best green tea out there, which offers all of the health benefits advertised, and for a competitive price.

To find out more about I.E. Green Tea, its benefits, how the brewing process came about from years of trials and partnerships with tea experts, and where the tea comes from (as a hint: note that it is an exclusive mountain that provides nutrient-rich minerals), visit the website at IEgreentea.com.

IE Green Tea is a green tea producer based in Chicago Illinois, the parent company is Amica Tea Texas 8000 Research Forest Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77382 Phone: 832-656-7759

David Stone is the CEO of IE Green Tea you can contact him at:


I.E. Green Tea

707 Skokie Boulevard Suite 100

Northbrook, IL 60062 Ph:(855) 232-3121


Original Source of the original story >> I.E Green Tea, Presents Research Showing The Importance of Daily Green Tea Consumption

Published by: Randy Rohde