Functions for Core Web Vitals Tactics with Cloudflare's HTMLRewriter - Search Engine Land

Our Guide to A/B Testing for Core Web Vitals explained a series of small steps with two services and a browser extension to write tests for frontend code tactics. Thirty years ago, we would copy a page’s raw source to run find-and-replace operations until we could manage a facsimile of a page put in a web-enabled folder to demonstrate the same kinds of recommendations.

We don’t have to do that anymore.

Setting up a reverse proxy and writing software for conducting SEO twenty years ago was limited to a small set of companies that built and hosted the infrastructure themselves. Cloudflare now provides us with a turnkey solution. You can get up and running using a free account. To change frontend code, use Cloudflare’s HTMLRewriter() JavaScript API.

The code is relatively easy to comprehend.

With Core Web Vitals, it’s the immediacy, the perceived need and the rapidity of being able to cycle through varying tests that ultimately shows value and really impresses. The fundamental platform is available to you through the steps outlined in our guide. We’ll write functions for making commonplace changes so that you can begin testing real tactics straight away.


If you’ve been following along, you may know our script provides the option to preload an element that you can specify in a request parameter for LCP. We return a form when the value is missing, just to make it easy to add your reference. There is also a placeholder for something called importance, which we’ll...

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