7 Common Enterprise SEO Reporting Mistakes To Avoid - Search Engine Journal

Well-designed, accurate reports activate the full power of your data. Are these 7 common SEO reporting mistakes holding you back?

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Accurate, well-designed reporting is key to any effective SEO program.

Well-designed reports provide management and other stakeholders with a clear picture of the value of your SEO efforts.

And what’s more, accurate reports are essential for informing future actions.

Notice there are two elements involved: accurate and well-designed.

Accurate reports not only contain correct data but also present it accurately. They tell the true story without distortion.

Well-designed reports are clear and immediately understandable. Anyone looking at them should be able to quickly identify what the takeaways are.

How can you ensure you are creating well-designed, accurate reports?

Start by avoiding these seven common SEO reporting mistakes.

1. Believing There Is One True Metric For “X”

In its early days, Google presented the same simple search results (the legendary “ten blue links”) to all users entering the same query.

Of course, that hasn’t been the case for a long time now.

For many queries, the results page is crowded with ads and various SERP features in and around the organic web results.

Plus, with the use of personalization via factors like search history and geo-location, it...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/enterprise-reporting-mistakes-seo/427908/

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