Google Explains How AI Keeps Search Safe Via MUM & BERT - Search Engine Journal

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A new blog post from Pandu Nayak, Google Fellow and Vice President of Search, explains how Google Search uses MUM and BERT to serve safer search results.


  • Google is using MUM to better detect when the query indicates a searcher is in crisis and will begin rolling out these improvements within weeks.
  • Google uses BERT to improve its understanding of when a searcher is looking for explicit content.
  • Using BERT in this way has reduced “unexpected shocking results” for searchers by 30% in the past year, according to Google.

Google Using MUM to Better Serve Searchers in Personal Crisis

“…people in personal crises search in all kinds of ways, and it’s not always obvious to us that they’re in need. And if we can’t accurately recognize that, we can’t code our systems to show the most helpful search results,” Nayak wrote.

Using machine learning to improve its understanding of language is helping Google to more accurately detect when search results should include the phone numbers of relevant crisis lines, for example.

“MUM can better understand the intent behind people’s questions to detect when a person is in need,” Nayak explained, adding that this helps Google “more reliably show trustworthy and actionable information at the right time.”

Google plans to roll out these improvements in the...

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