The 10 Best AI Writers & Content Generators Compared - Search Engine Journal

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AI Content creation tools are becoming more widely available since the development of GPT-3 (and its release through has made AI much more accessible.

To see just how good AI writers are, we selected 10 of the best content generators and road-tested them by comparing their output on the same topic.

We ran our own mini Turing Test while testing the AI content generators.

We asked our audience if they could tell the difference between machine and human-generated content through social media polls.

Are machines taking over the content industry? Read on and find out!

How GPT-3 Is Shaking Up Content Creation

GPT-3, the language prediction model, was introduced in May 2020 and is widely available for public use through Open AI.

The quality of GPT-3 output was a huge leap forward from GPT-2 toward asking a machine to write intelligible cohesive content.

The downside to the development of GPT-3 and vastly improved content creation tools: How do you keep pace with the output of a machine?

Google has been looking at solving the potential issues of the predicted explosion of AI content to ensure their search results don’t become swamped with low-quality content.

They recently restated that AI content is against their guidelines and updated their webmaster guidelines documentation.

How can they...

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