PageSpeed Insights Adds New Lighthouse Speed Metrics - Search Engine Journal

New metrics improve feedback on server-related speed and provides a more comprehensive representation of page performance than previously available

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Google’s PageSpeed Insights added two new metrics to the PageSpeed Insights API and UI for Lighthouse. The two metrics are labeled experimental are now being collected for field data while the corresponding lab data can be used for diagnostic purposes.

Google Lighthouse Updated

Lighthouse is now updated with the two new metrics.

The new Lighthouse metrics are:

  • Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Many people will already know of Time to First Byte, it’s been around for many years and some may already be be familiar with it.

The Time to First Byte (TTFB) metric measures how fast the server responds to a request for a resource.

Thus, the importance of this metric is that it helps to isolate one factor (server responsiveness) which can have a negative effect upon all other page loading metrics that come afterward.

That makes TTFB a very important metric to review for diagnostic purposes.

Anyone focused on improving Core Web Vitals should give TTFB a look for a possible quick win.

What’s changed about TTFB is that this is the first time it is available as a metric in the PageSpeed Insights results section.


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