What Would You Say Should Be The Top SEO Focus This 2022? - Search Engine Journal

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This Ask an SEO question comes from Ian from San Juan, who asks:

“What would you say should be the top SEO focus coming into 2022 for a brand that seeks to grow its wholesale product business to generate more leads and sales?”

Every year, SEO pros look for a magic bullet.

Even after 21 years, I’m still hoping to find the technique that automatically ranks a site for any query I want.

I haven’t found it yet.

And I know I never will.

But I still look.

Most SEO experts I know still look.

And we talk about the latest trends uncovered from our hours of reverse engineering efforts.

And while there are certainly “hot” techniques, I want the readers of this column to understand that the basics of SEO haven’t changed in a long time.

Rather than chase algorithm glitches that come and go as fast as your latest Google rep, I suggest getting back to the basics.

The Basics Are Still The Same

Since the advent of link-based algorithms like Google’s PageRank, the basics of search engine optimization have remained the same.

I can’t guarantee much in life – Google tells me not to offer guarantees.

But I can guarantee that if you do the following five things correctly for each query you want to rank for, you will rank for that query.

Here are what I consider the five pillars of search engine optimization:



Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ask-an-seo-top-focus/448654/

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