5 Times You Absolutely Must Hire An SEO Pro - Search Engine Journal

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There are plenty of business owners and digital marketing generalists who can handle the everyday management of their own SEO.

Even at the enterprise level, you may have web developers, content creators, and others taking care of tasks that support your SEO program.

However, there are some situations that absolutely require an experienced SEO professional to resolve.

Trying to tackle major issues on your own can result in an inordinate amount of frustration and lost revenue.

So how do you know when the situation calls for

Here are five times when you should absolutely hire an SEO.

1. Google Search Isn’t Indexing Your Website Or Pages

Troubleshooting why your website is missing from Google search results is best handled by a professional.

An experienced SEO will not waste any time and will know what to look for.

It could be a simple oversight that is not allowing Google to crawl your website or a more complex issue with the structure of your website or URL parameters.

It’s possible that your content is plagiarized or that Google thinks it’s too similar to another page on your site.

There are many different reasons, and an SEO professional can help solve the problem and get your website indexed and visible on Google.

2. During A Site Migration Or Redesign

Any time there are major changes to a...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/when-you-need-seo-pro/449831/

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