Has Google's SEO Office Hours Lost Its Spark? - Search Engine Journal

Google's John Mueller answered a question about sitelinks and rankings that closely mirrors official Google documentation.

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Google’s John Mueller answered a question about what strategy to use to make specific pages show as sitelinks in Google’s search results.

Mueller provided an answer that noticeably matched what’s in the official Google Search Central documentation for sitelinks, although he added a little more nuance than what’s in the official documentation.

Nevertheless, Google’s new tightly controlled SEO Office Hours format is starting to show some limitations.

How to Make Pages Appear as a Sitelink?

The person asking the question wanted to know ways to influence Google to show specific pages in the sitelinks.

Sitelinks are additional links from a web page that is shown in a search result, so that one of the search results contains multiple links.

“Is there any strategy by which desired pages can appear as a sitelink in Google search results?”

Mueller first explained what sitelinks are:

“So sitelinks are the additional results that are sometimes shown below a search result, where it’s usually just a one-line link to a different part of the website.”

Next he explained how Google generates sitelinks:

“And there is no meta tag or structured data that you can use to kind of like enforce a...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/has-googles-seo-office-hours-lost-its-spark/454491/

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